Received a KindCoin?

Now we can literally carry the change in our pocket that we want to bring to the world.

A KindCoin is a gift you can give someone.

Or maybe someone gave one to you?

We hope that was special for you.

It’s a new kind of currency with a value beyond the old one.

A KindCoin’s worth is in how we see.

How we see the others.

And the return on that lasts forever.

The greatest currency of all is now.

The currency in our days, the now of our lives, in relation to them.

Are we seeing them?

Or just passing by.

We might never see, them again.

We might never see them, at all.

We will see them better if it’s worth more.

KindCoins help make other’s worth more.

They remind us that we always carry this gift with us, in us.

A gift only we can give, in our way, from our hands.

A gift we’ll only give if we remember to look.

This is a currency of the kind that is better.

KindCoins will be there in our pocket to remind us.

It turns out that it turns out better for us when we’re looking in this way.

KindCoins are a gift to ourselves first, that will help.

KindCoins are something that you can carry around in your pocket that you can give to anyone that you see be kind to someone else. In this you are the kindness agent, looking, seeing, capturing and celebrating kindness in the simple moments in life.

You can then enter them here here at KindLoook, each KindCoin has its own serial number so that person can find that story, their moment of kindness shared with the world, captured forever.

That person might choose to do the same, they might pass their KindCoin on when they see someone being kind. Each KindCoin will tell its own story of kindness as it is passed around communities, across cities, maybe even nations, and across the world. We wonder the stories these KindCoins will tell that you will be a part of.

The little moments really are the big moments in life and it’s time we gave credit where it’s due.

They saw you didn’t they?

You thought no one was watching.

You were just doing what you do, being kind, showing up the way you want to in life. 

For others.

Maybe, in fact, this was tough. Maybe you’ve had a tough day or week.

And showing up and being kind was a massive choice you made…

And they saw you.

They caught you in the act.

And you moved them deeply, especially because you were just doing it.

Being kind.

You didn’t do it for recognition, to get a medal, or for any return.

And that is the deepest heart of kindness. The only heart.

And this person you’ve impacted who was watching simply wants to say thank you.

With a small gift, a way to remember this moment.


This moment will live here on KindLoook, in your own personal area.

Consider it a journal of sorts.

It’s important to remember and celebrate kindness isn’t it.

We are helping do that better.

This is what KindCoins are about.

You, friend, are a kindness agent.

I wonder who else was watching?

Oh and the story doesn’t need to end there.

Your KindCoin may already have a story of it’s own.

Let’s find out…

It’s a little like a chain letter but it’s better…

It’s a change letter.

Enter the number on the KindCoin you were given into the field above to read your story through someone else’s eyes.

If you’d like to know how to get some of your own KindCoins and start your own KindStory’s

Now you can literally carry the change in your pocket that you want to give to the world.

And when we can hold the change in our hands, something happens.

We can feel it. 

Then we see what’s possible.

Then we start looking, a little longer, with kindness.

When we can reach inside and touch the change, physically, right there.

We see them.

We see others.

Being kind all around us.

In our community, in the café, in the street, even in our home.

It’s like the world changed before our eyes.

That’s the power of carrying the change with us.

We might not even give it and that’s ok.

We might just say “Thank you” to them, in our hearts.

Thank you for being kind.

It impacts us.

They impact us, these agents of kindness.

Badgeless and without title, yet playing their role.

Their role in global kindness.

They touch us even if not with their hands.

This is the power of the change in our pocket.

We see them more.

And maybe you are simply here because you heard about KindCoins and would like to carry some.

Hopefully the change that you’re carrying is warming a place inside.

That’s most commonly what happens.


You saw them. 

Maybe others did too.

You can’t unsee it can you.

Can’t unfeel it.

It was simple, small even. Tiny?

But it wasn’t.

It was big.

They opened a door for someone.

And it opened your heart.

They held a place in line for them,

And it held a place in your heart.

They stopped and helped.

It invaded the busyness, and made you smile.

Now there’s a feeling there inside, it’s warm and it’s good.

And a question has appeared from nowhere, somewhere.

“Should I say something?

Can I tell them the impact they just had on me?

They should know.”

We could be better at what comes next.

We need to do better at what comes next.

It’s not because we don’t want to.

It’s because we wonder if they’ll be ok about it.

Can we say something?

We’ve felt this invitation before.

“Mind your own business!” comes flooding in.

Busyness is there too.

We look for, we seek a way out.

But if we stop and look, a little longer, with kindness.

There’s the way in.

It’s likely to go well.

Because you feel it, you see them, and you want to share kindness with them.

For the kindness they put into the world.

It’s ok.

You can.

You have the change right there in your pocket remember?

Maybe it’s burning a hole…

You have everything you need and our support.

And they,

have you.